Affluenza is a term used by critics of consumerism, a portmanteau of affluence and influenza. Source define this term as follow: affluenza, n. a painfull, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety and waste resulting from the dodge pursuing of more. (De Graaf) affluenza is the bloated, sluggish, and unfulfilled feeling that results from efforts to keep up with the joneses, or. An Epidemic of stress, overwork, waste, and indebtedness caused by the pursuit of the American Dream, or. An suitable addiction to economic growth (-wikipedia)
As you that the “americum” is stand for the word refeer the modern country in the west contain of 308,745,538 resident. They consume 350 billion joule per year for energy percapita, or its mean 230,000 kilocalory per day. Whereas the normal energy consume every people for live is just about 2000-3000 calory perday. How amazing energy comsumtion that America intake for their people, Hummer, army, and plants?
Affluenza americum is now be a contagious disease to all the government form, either the communist, liberal, or monarchy. I have example to describe this desease, in other side its good for the development or to make a country more accountable in foreign affair and in other side its give the big impact for natural environmental balance. Doha and Dalian can refresent for describing this situation as the impact for Affluenza Americum.
Doha and Dalian are both country from different continent, climate, and governor form but they have the same in the economic growth velocity. Doha is the country in the middle east, Monarchy constitutional, and kwown as petrodollar state. The rapidity of development isn’t apart from the economic system in which giving a red carpet for the foreign investment. Doha at the glance, looks like a manhattan or boston city in the desert. All heavy equipment which doesn’t work in shanghai or dubai, precisely work in Doha. Sky crapers, Mariot Hotel, and the first FI sircuit in Arabian Peninsula as city landmark. One think that you should notice about Doha is one of the monarchy state that fresh out their fuel in the early 1990.

Dalian is one of major city in Liaoning province, China. Dalian is a biggest harbor city in China after shanghai. Dalian at the time has a manhattan miniature, now the miniature increase up to 2 times. The new landmark, “Dalian Xinghai Convention & Exhibition Centre is the most biggest in asia. Hotel Venecia in China is renown as a biggest gambling site in the world, leaving Las Vegas. The most luxurious real estate in the world was found in Beijing, China. Palais de fortune, every single building coated by old European architecture price up to 5 million dollar.

Both city above have a same shifting in human culture/lifestyle. At this time, there is any 350 million people by the 15000 income percapita and tend to consume gluttonously. Now, this planet have an Americum. Recently China have one Americum and now being pregnant to produce the second Americum. India go after with China. Maybe in 2030 Singapura, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Hongkong, dan Indonesia will produce an Americum. Rusia and Eropa still being to produce their other Americum and if it projected up to 2030, this planet will have 9 Americum with 9 Billion population.
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